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은혜찬양 모음

♡ I Will Sing Of My Redeemer - Larry Ford!!

chajchul 2021. 4. 25. 21:35
야!  로 을  !!! 

I Will Sing Of My Redeemer/Larry Ford I will sing of my Redeemer, And His wondrous love to me; On the cruel cross He suffered, From the curse to set me free. " Sing, Oh sing! of my redeemer- with his blood he purchased me! On the cross he sealed my pardon! Paid the debt, and made me free! " I will praise my dear redeemer- his triumphant power I'll tell- how the victory he giveth over sin, and death and hell! I will sing of my redeemer, and his heavenly love to me- he from death to life has brought me- Son of God, with him to be!

비판, 비방, 상호비난, 도배성의 답글들은 운영자의 직권으로 삭제합니다.

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